I am a huge fan of Turkey Red inserts, and have gathered a few of the 2007 through trades, but have never seen a reasonable cross-section of this product. I am glad I made the purchase. While there are several cards of great quality images, as well as some stinkers as well (have you seen the Chase Utley? He kinda looks like Abe Vigota), I will stick with the hits. I am unclear on whether I made out like a bandit or not, as the box indicates some mixture of two relics or autos. Here are the goods. Let me know if you are interested in any of these...

Here are a couple relics of Swisher and Marcus Giles. These are fairly nice looking I guess, for worthless relics :)
Whoa, after the relics I did not expect this at all. A nice "on-sticker" auto of the rabble-rouser himself! A very nice edition.
Then I hit a thick pack that clearly would not take an expert pack-searcher to indicate that something thick was inside. Since Topps is not know for crazy-thick dummy cards, I knew that I had one surprise left... Nice! A Jimmy Rollins "auto" silk collection! this is my second silk pull since starting collecting. I love the color scheme of this card quite a bit.
So that was a really fun box for sure. There are all sorts of possibilites for 9-spots for the ol' binder.
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