1. a surviving memorial of something past.
2. an object having interest by reason of its age or its association with the past: a museum of historic relics.
3. a surviving trace of something: a custom that is a relic of paganism.

Lots of pretty pictures coming up! Part of the reason for lack of posting (or posting with scans) over the last couple of days is that JD and I have been bachelors while mom is away with some girlfriends. We did typical guy stuff, watched TV, tossed a ball around, went to the card shop and (thankfully) he slept through the night both evenings, which finally gave me a chance to jump on the scanner and get in some stuff.
I went into the card shop on Saturday to pick up some more 9 sleeves and talk some shop. I didn't feel like purchasing a whole box of anything and the only loose packs I thought about were Topps, but I have a bit of Topps-lash going lately, so right by the register I found a little product called Panini threads basketball.
Basketball. Roundball. I actually do follow the sport to some extent, being a Blazer fan and the such. Did you hear that Joel Pryzbilla re-tore his leg muscle getting into the shower last weekend? Yup, been that kind of year up here in P-Town. Regardless, the product of discussion apparently allows for up to four autos or relics per 24 packs. I reached toward the middle left and grabbed four packs. Came away with two autos!
Legend Walt Frazier! This sweet card is numbered to 25 and features Baron Davis in short Knickerbocker shorts. Yikes.
While that was definitely an exciting pull, this card came in the third pack...
1) Red Sox - While I love all of my Red Sox, I can't make room for them all, therefore I have decided that the players that I value the most are Jacoby Ellsbury, Dustin Pedroia, Jon Lester, and Jason Varitek. I am pretty sentimental towards Tek this year because I think this is probably the end of the line. I am looking for any and all cards of these players.
2). 2009 Heritage High Numbers SP's - I was mortified when Beckett combined the pricing to reflect cards 1-720. I was so proud to have completed 1-500. I definitely want to finish this set for good, and I have MOST of what I need minus several SP's of course.
3). Topps Flagship inserts - This is essentially just to burn time until Ginter comes out. I like LL, Peak Performance, CYMTO, and the Toppstown Golds. Turkey Reds are cool, but I am pretty much happy with the old-timers for that set. If you are interested in any of the other subsets, just let me know. I also have some subset dubs if interested.
4). Which reminds me of another issue. I worked my butt off to get TR 1-100 last season only to have Topps screw me again with another 50 in the High Numbers. That's a rookie collector for ya. I won't make the same mistake this year, but I would love to sew up that set as well if anybody can help.
Think that's all I can muster for the moment. I have had some interesting hits from products lately that I will get posted up tonight. Blogs are more fun with pictures, and some are coming soon! Thanks!