I have a slew of lows and highs that have already taken place in the mere 5 hours that I have been awake. Here is a summary...
- The first thing I did this morning is put my contacts in the wrong eyes. I took me about an hour to figure out that something just was night right with my vision. I must have mixed up the caps when I took them out last night. A hour!
- Not only were the lights not in my favor, they were not working at all when I drove Jacoby to Mommy and me swim class (I am the photographer :). Ever tried to get 16 lanes of traffic to figure out how a 4-way stop works? I feel really bad for the pedestrian that was almost hit by no less than four cars, AS SHE WAS CROSSING THE STREET IN THE CROSSWALK! Some people were just straight-up blowing right through. "No signals today! Sweet!". Idiots.
- I forgot Jacoby's diaper bag at home, guess who got to go back home and back to the pool through the same outage mess!
- Later, went to figure out the debacle of the optometrist not only ordering the wrong set of contacts for me, but only a trial set instead of a six-month set! I think he is going to hook me up with an extra 6-months though (wink wink) so if that is the case, then everything is disco.
- While waiting for the optometrist to finish with a patient so we could have said discussion, I went next door to Jamba Juice (or something like it) to get a smoothie. I waited for five minutes as I watched a clearly frazzled employee try to read the ingredients on the smoothies as well as...cook a panini? Okay, so I am working on a Masters in Business and I would like to impart a tiny bit of knowledge for smoothie owner 1) stick to your product, smoothies! 2) If you are going to have a rookie employee, first of all have a veteran there to help train him and keep traffic flowing, and secondly, don't pick a busy weekend as an optimal time to let him fly solo!
I think that covers the bad! Wait! Not yet. As I type "Godzilla" (the Matthew Broderick version) is on TV. BAD! Nuke the Garden!
Now onto the good (cuz its just more fun!)
I went to Target to pick up a cooler for our family vacation to the beach in a few days (which is really good) and of course stopped by the blaster section to peruse. I figure if I cant get a smoothie or contacts, I might as well get some cards! I am really hit and miss with UD products, but figured that a Icons blaster was worth a go. The jersey cards look pretty classy and I am guaranteed one, so what the heck. Lets shoot for some Red Sox. I will post results later. Also decided to make a grab at a few retail goudey packs just for kicks. I know a few people who collect them and maybe something nice will come out to send them.