Last Saturday I had the pleasure of opening my mailbox and discovering a new first for
JDs Wildcardz...the legendary 6-stamp post! This package comes from Joe at
Priceless Pursuit. Joe and I have the perfect trading relationship because he hates the Red
Sox and I hate the Yankees, so it is match made in Heaven. Recently Joe responded to my offer of Mark
Mulders Pants! "Pants!" he exclaimed..."I gotta get me those some Mulder pants"! And so it went. Of course have I sent the pants out yet...of course not because I ran of of stamps for pants. How can you have any pants without stamps? Going out TOMORROW.

Lets take a look and see what a pair of Mulder's pants is worth these days...
Lovin my scanner by the way...Joe has taken kindly to my request for phenom pitchers and sent me a
Grienke and
Grienke Grienke.

Here is Dan "the man"
Haren who is absolutely keeping my fantasy team afloat, a
Kuroda (who has NOT kept my team afloat) and a fascinating hologram depicting the 1918 Boston championship. JD and I were so enthralled by the image that it took my wife to point out the 1918. Pretty colors will do that to you.

This was an extremely generous card by Joe, a King Felix Bowman First Year. He also sent a bunch of other prospects that I have never heard of, but that is the point, you never know when the next Felix might come along, so thanks Joe, I will keep them
Cryogenics frozen until the day they become priceless!
So thanks again, and make sure to check out the latest at
Priceless Pursuit!ps, that Yankee prospect might just find his way back down to So Cal!
I remember those holograms! Weren't they from score 1991?