Well, I am sitting here and have just witnessed the San Francisco Giants bullpen ONCE AGAIN foil a potential solid victory by Tim
Lincecum. This whole roller coaster of blown wins began two weeks ago in a home extra innings loss, courtesy of a blown save by closer Brian Wilson. Then earlier this week 13
k's were wasted in an up-and-down affair with the Marlins. Today, a stiff breeze, and a lack of hits (but PLENTY of walks) did Timmy in the 6
th inning.
Lincecum looked stellar through five, but then was a little suspect in the 6
th and gave up a couple of runs to assure his early exit, granted at that point he was already at 115 pitches, so it was pretty going to depend on the bullpen no matter what. Maybe next start, Big-Time Timmy-Jim, maybe next time.

Final line: 7 hits, 2 ER, 2, BB, 8 K's , ERA 1.86
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