1) I REALLY need to bust down an purchase a scanner instead of surfing for images
2) I am more new school than old school...while I love a good Wade Boggs And Ellis Burks card, I really think that the newer cards and their varieties are more interesting cards to look at.
3) Since Topher supplied a great variety of products, I was able to compare and contrast Topps vs Upper Deck, and am decidedly favoring Topps products (minus a few exceptions).
4) The great variety is also helping me decide which series to collect next year,
5) I am going to need more binders and card sheets!
So while there is many to cover, I will pick out of few of my faves (new school), just a small sampling of a very gracious package...
I am so happy that I was able to find this image of Tavarez, because I absolutely loath this guy! I cannot even begin to tell you how many times the Sox turned to him, I would say to my wife "they are throwing in the towel" and within minutes, gas cans are lighting on fires and balls are flying all over the field and walls. I had the pleasure of watching the Red Sox tear Tavarez a new one last week in Washington. The Nats even had the nerve to throw him out there again the next day! I have never had such loathing for any other player. The guy at Ebay that I ripped this image from was asking $1.75 for this card! Good luck with that buddy. He will not be making the binder, but will keep him around for future blogs!
Spaceman Youk in a 2009 Topps Wal Mart Black variation. My card is actually a little darker than this image, so really has the rocket man going on.
2007 Topps Chrome Jason Varitek. The Captain is going to be missed when he rides off into the sunset at the end of this year of possibly next. He will be missed but it seems that the Sox have finally found an apprentice in George Kottaras who seems to be fitting in well with the pitchers and soaking in all of Tek's knowledge.
I will close out with the worst manager photo of Francona I have ever seen. It looks like they caught him mid yawn. The Topps editor must hate the Sox also.