Saturday, May 1, 2010
Oh my...seriously?

The Super Heroes of Chicle
While on my hunt for nine 2007 Bowman Heritage refractor cards at Cranky's shop of horrors, He casually mentioned the release of Chicle. I have been going hobby box bonkers lately, so he was playing the odds that I would go crazy over the stuff. Truth is, I have been watching the "hits" that have been dropping on eBay, and thus far I am less than impressed with the product and its offerings. Some of the images are absolutely horrendous, and the image of Jacoby Ellsbury truly terrified me. Who the hell is that guy? I decided this is a product that I would not chase.
However, I was curious enough to snag one pack while on my mission at Cranky's. I wanted to compare it to the Bowman Heritage packs for artistic quality, guess who won?
But there is actually a chance that I will buy a few more packs of this, or maybe even a blaster.
Because I think that the major strength AND weakness of this set is the various artists melting pot of images that create the set. Some are clearly more dominating that the others, some are far too familiar, and some are just way off-base. Here are the "Super Heroes" of National Chicle (at least my one pack).
"The Tounge"

"Dependable Man"

And finishing up with my favorite of the bunch...Dave Hobrecht. If I can give myself one reason to run out and grab a few more packs of this set, it is because of this card of Orlando Hudson. The colors, shadow, shine and facial detail are amazing! I definitely need to see if other prints hold up to this example...thus I shall refer to Hobrecht as "The Closer".
There was also this in the pack.

A creepy little Juan Francisco auto! I think on-card autos are terrific, but I am pretty skeptical of the autograph subjects. I know there are probably a few superstars in the set, but the sampling I have seen in box breaks and on eBay are mainly AAA and AA staples that are pretty much no-names. Again, I am sure there are good cards to be had, and on-card autos are always nice, but at least to this point I would say that the "hits" are less than impressive....and the relic cards remind me of Neopolitan ice cream...there, I said it.
Friday, April 30, 2010
To the.....12's?
As I continue to assemble full pages (8 out of 9 Goodwin relics, woo-hoo!) I have also been drawn to the most unlikely of places for cards...target rack packs. I KNOW!! so I already have the entire series one completed and there is no chance that I will pull a hat relic, or probably any relic for that matter from this set, so what is it that I am attracted too?

Thursday, April 29, 2010
Alright, so taking region #1 and being in the Portland, this region will lovingly be dubbed "The Northwest Passage". Here are your contestants and their seedings. I will say right up front that I don't agree with all of this entrants, but I am but a humble host to something far bigger than myself! :) without further ado...

Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Matinee Madness!
While there are some great matchups today, Leake vs Paulino for one (that is a joke, BTW) there is a hands-down winner in this contest and that is the Phillies vs the Giants and...

Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Top 6 worst things about watching a Sox/Jays series in Toronto
2. Bullpens are located in said foul grounds and consist of folding chairs and a phone.
3. Half the fans at the game (so roughly 20) have those obnoxious bull horns like the dudes on the swiss mountain tops...RIIIIICOOOLLLLAAAA!
4. The (fake) grass between bases...only thing worse is that ridiculous dirt strip in Arizona that goes from the pitchers mound to home plate.
5. The completely nondescript, uniform and enormous outfield, complete with loads of empty bleachers and restaurants.
6. The announcers! Eee-gads, worst in the majors.
Monday, April 26, 2010
To the Nines...Needs List
6-9 2010 Topps Hat Relics (Throwback Logos) (Wagner, Matthews, Dean, Kaline, Sissler, McCovey)
3-9 2010 Topps Target Exclusive (Pujols, Jones, Hornsby)
10-15 2009 T206 Minis Polar Bear (Peavy, Gallardo, Cliff Lee, Zimmerman, Hamels, Perry, Hernandez, Buerhle, Butler, Dickerson)
6-15 2009 T206 Minis Old Mill (Hoffman, Aramis Ramirez, Pierre, Freese, Bradley, Hamilton)
4-15 2009 Goodwin Champion Mini Foil (Holliday, Sizemore, Nathan, Soria
1-9 2009 Toppss Flagship Silk Collection (DeRosa)
4-9 2009 Topps Flagship Red Relics (Aramis Ramirez, Bruce, Baldelli, Chavez)
8-9 2009 Goodwin Champion Relics (Victor Martinez, Hamels, Beckett, Schmidt, Yaz, Kendrick, Felix Hernandez, Guerrero)
JD's Wild Cardz is going to the 9's!
Over the last several months, I have become increasing disenchanted with my collection. While my core mission to fill up a nice shoe box "Jacoby's" treasure chest with some nice autograph cards, collecting for myself has been somewhat of a mystery. The results have been scattered hobby boxes, random base card piles, mysterious cardboard boxes with content titles that have been crossed out and crossed out again (what the heck IS in those boxes anyways), and various piles of contents of received packages that have never made their way...anywhere yet except on the china cabinet.
Here are some of the things that have bothered me most...
- Cardboard boxes - Yes, these are ideal for storing complete sets that you just want to put away and either appreciate or depreciate over a many year span. Good for safe keeping...bad for viewing. I have several boxes of random cards that I could not even begin to tell you what is in them, nor do I have the patience to actually go through a box to sort the contents.
- Relics - It starts to suck when you get a relic card and you are so completely dissapointed and feel ripped off. Same goes for inserts, or other various cards that are not a 1/1 or low-serial numbered hit...even those have started to feel stale.
- Random Hobby boxes are EVERYWHERE. I got caught up with the allure of the hits and the result is a ton of base and inserts that I have no need or desire to collect.
- Binders - I have a bunch of non-descript binders that have a bunch of half-filled pages of incomplete insert sets. While I had the best intentions to complete all of these sets, it rarely works out, and when it actually does, Topps goes out and releases an updates set that ruins it all again. I am FUMING that I now have an incomplete 2009 Heritage set again, and also an incomplete Turkey Red Set thanks to the updates.
So basically, I have a bunch of cards laying around I don't want or know what to do with, I have a bunch of binders half-filled and incomplete, and I have a bunch of cardboard boxes that I have no idea what is in them. Complete chaos!
So I had a bit of an epiphany last week and it kind of gained some traction the more that I thought about it. I think, for me, this might actually help motivate me to go through all my stuff and sort it, AND also have a plan for the future.
Wanna here it, here go!
Occasionally I notice that bloggers post a "completed page" on their site. These tend to look really nice. Part of the point of collecting cards is to 1) be able to view them and 2) be able to find them if you need them for a post/trade. I started to think about completed pages, and then started to think "you know, if I just had a bunch of completed pages that I could leaf through, then I would be one happy guy"! There are WAY TOO MANY subsets out there that are interesting, and ultimately what ends up happening is you gets well on your way and then the trail goes dead.
SO, my new goal....(drumroll)....is to collect one binder page of each type of card I like.
9 cards (12 in the case of minis).
So how I view my collection forming, is that I would like to have one page of Topps Finest Chromes, one page of Topps Turkey Reds, one page of 2010 Topps Target Red Exclusives, one page of Topps Peak Performance...so on, so forth.
Sounds easy? No challenge? Try gathering up nine hat patches, nine silk cards, nine SP's from flagship, nine printing plates....not everything is going to be a cakewalk.
The benefits of doing this are very important to me...
1) Needing nine of each card I choose to collect reinvigorate my joy of pulling a relic, or an insert, or cards that I would otherwise be disappointed with. For example....I bought 6 rack-pack Topps 2010 at Target and was happy to have pulled two Target Red exclusives, Albert Pujols, and Chipper Jones...2 down and 7 to go.
2) I won't worry so much as to who I pull...if I like the looks of a particular card better, or can upgrade players later down the road, more power!
3) It will make trading easier. I am about to have a ton of inserts available to you, and you will have a more specific idea of what I am looking for in return.
4) I can go through those mysterious boxes and find 9 of a card type, and file it in a binder where I can actually GASP view the card!
And yes, there will still be times when I will be so enamored with a particular subset that I will want them all, but most likely that will be a rarity.
So that's all I have more now, until I actually start getting these pages put together in a binder, the goals are going to be a little unclear, but it is a start. In my next post I will start out with some of the projects that I currently working on. I would be glad to make some trades if you can help me out!